Friday, March 27, 2015

Have a Heart

While cleaning my office this week, I came across an article I printed off of last Fall written by Susan Steinbrecher, coauthor of Heart-centered Leadership: Lead Well. Live Well.  The article describes the many advantages of a people-centric approach to leadership in improving engagement, loyalty and the bottom line.  According to Steinbrecher, a “ 2012 Towers-Watson study of 50 global companies, compared those with low regard for sustainable employee engagement strategies vs. those with high regard for such. These strategies include a people-first leadership approach, along with emphasis on work-life balance, job clarity, supervisor support, and ethical business practices.  The study found that companies with low engagement had an average operating profit under 10 percent, whereas for those with high engagement, the average one-year operating margin was close to three times higher, at just over 27 percent.” Steinbrecher  describes this people focus as a "heart-centered" approach to business and leadership.

Putting people first has this remarkable by-product of improved financial performance as well. People who are treated well: care more, work harder, stay longer and simply do a better job. What more could you ask for? 

The very best part of this article is a list of 21 Heart-centered leadership behaviors that is so simple and brilliant that I needed to share it! So here it is. 

You Might be a Heart-Centered Leader if...

1.       You tell the truth.
2.       You trust your associates to do the right thing.
3.       You are able to relinquish control. As leaders, we don't really have it anyway. Our associates do. If you think that's not true, try getting anything done without them.
4.       You know your impact and are mindful of how your words and actions may be interpreted in formal and informal ways.
5.       You aim to serve the people that you are leading, not the other way around.
6.       You are open-minded and do not judge or assume, but come to understand a situation or behavior.
7.       You take care of your "whole-self"--physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
8.       You have the willingness to look in the mirror and come to terms with your own character flaws.
9.       You are committed to personal and professional growth.
10.   You strive to mentor others and surround yourself with people that have skills, talents and styles different from your own.
11.   You are empathetic and strive to maintain the self-esteem of others.
12.   You have an "open-door" policy.
13.   You believe that, given the right support, people rise to the occasion on their own and actually feel good about being held accountable.
14.   You develop strategies that involve, promote, call upon, and inspire associates to participate fully in creating, renewing, or revitalizing the organization.
15.   You have compassion for yourself and others.
16.   You replace blame with responsibility.
17.   You believe that people have positive intentions, even if associates' behavior appears to illustrate the opposite.
18.   You are committed to making a difference not only in your own life, but in the lives of your associates and society as a whole.
19.   You listen before speaking.
20.   You create an environment where feedback is expected and appreciated.
21.   You are not afraid to admit your mistakes.

So, thanks to a little spring cleaning and the great work of Susan Steinbrecher, we all have something to aspire to this week.

I will leave you with the words of John Maxwell, leadership guru who once said; 
“To measure a leader, put a tape around his heart not his head”~John Maxwell


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